At Nudge, we want to encourage people—and ourselves!—to improve their good habits. 2020 certainly showed us that life can get hectic. It also showed that a routine and healthy habits can get us through anything. For what it’s worth, we decided to share our wonderful team’s insights.
“I try to brush my teeth 30-ish minutes after a meal and I actually floss as often as I can.”
The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth 30 mins—1 hr after eating. It’s the best way to protect your teeth. Even more important to note if you’re a fan of acidic foods.
“I always use mouthwash before bed to avoid bad breath in the morning.”
It’s no secret that mouthwash kills harmful bacteria in your mouth. Since harmful bacteria is responsible for morning breath, this guarantees a fresher sensation when you wake up. You can also scrub away at your tongue to get rid of bacteria.

“One of my good habits, oral care-wise, is changing my toothbrush often. I used to set a reminder at the end of each month to make sure I wouldn’t forget to change it. Another habit I have is to opt for toothbrushes with softer bristles.”
Many people are drawn to hard bristles because they think it does a better job at cleaning. Fair assumption, but false. It can actually harm your gums, root surface, and tooth enamel. Just go for the softer bristle.
“For me, the good habits I try to keep up are eating healthy and buying high quality, natural products.”
Healthy, of course, is the ultimate pillar of health, but it also works wonders for your teeth (go figure). Have you ever heard that apples can clean your teeth? Well, it’s true. Acidic foods make your mouth water, which helps remove stains and food residue.
“Before I can do anything else, I go for a morning walk. It doesn’t have to be long. Just enough to awaken with the fresh air.”
Good habits are more than good oral hygiene. If the Nudge you need to adopt a better lifestyle is physical activity, embrace that.
“I always brush my teeth just before leaving the house to make sure I’m fresh and ready for any new encounter! I also get up and stretch before getting ready.”
Mask or no mask, be ready to make new acquaintances. Stay ready—that way you never have to get ready! ;)