There’s more to it than brushing!
For some of us, brushing our teeth is a mandatory pre-selfie ritual (unless you’re a fan of the semi-brilliant teeth whitening apps). Did you know, though, that beside your standard moves (brushing, flossing, mouth washing) you also have your diet to thank for your healthy pearlies. Certain foods are famous for protecting and whitening your teeth.
Crunch ‘n’ munch
Your teeth will get whiter as you consume more chewy foods. Take cauliflower, carrots, and apples. Since crunchy foods take longer to break down, your mouth produces more saliva. It so happens that saliva is jam-packed with enzymes that remove stains and leftovers from past meals. Get crunchin’, good lookin’.

Pucker up, motherbrushers
Acidic and tart foods like rhubarb, gooseberries, and sour apples have a mouth-watering effect. But fear not! Saliva helps get rid of stains and food particles, acidic and tart foods are actually allies to whiter teeth. Still, don’t go crazy with the citrus intake. Acidic foods can erode your enamel when abused. Don’t get rid of it completely, but beware.
Say cheese
Remember your parents nagging you about drinking your milk to build those little muscles? They were right, of course. The lactic acid found in dairy products contains calcium and phosphates that whiten your smile and help rebuild your tooth enamel. Eating cheese also fast forwards the production of saliva, which gets rid of leftover bits of food
Blacklisted foods
There are some pretty basic do’s and don’ts to follow. You’ll thank us later for the reminder. ;) Sugary foods, smoking, and highly pigmented drinks, like red wine, can tarnish that stunning smile. Coffee and tea aren’t your best bet on this journey either, but if you must (and we know you must!) try not adding sugar—this won’t dilute your morning fuel! Promise.
Do what’s best for you
Note that these are just suggestions. We just preach what we practice and practice what we preach. Tune into your body and build a diet that’s good for you. We’re definitely not ones to stop treating ourselves just to have a nice smile. So enjoy some vino. Your teeth will get by just fine. A beautiful smile starts on the inside. We’re just here to help ease the ride there.